NCAA 5-6 Object of the Game

NCAA 5-6 Object of the Game

Object of the Game

SECTION 6.     a. The offensive team’s objective is to have its batters become runners and its runners advance to home plate.

b. The defensive team’s objective is to prevent offensive players from becoming runners and to prevent their advance around the bases.

c. When a batter becomes a runner and touches all bases legally, the individual shall score one run for that team.

Exception—A run is not scored if a runner touches home plate while the third out is made on:

1) The batter or proper batter-runner before the player touches first base;

2) Any runner who is forced out; or

3) A preceding runner who is declared out because the individual failed to touch one of the bases.

Note 1: Once a runner legally has scored, the run cannot be nullified by subsequent action of the runner, such as, but not limited to, trying to return to third base in the belief that the base had been left too soon or missed. Exception—If the base runner is safe at home but interferes with the catcher on a force play, the run shall not be allowed (see 8-4-c PENALTY).

Note 2: If there is one out with runners on third base and first or second base and a fly ball is caught, the runner on third base scores IF the individual tags up and touches home plate before the ball reaches the base of the other runner who had left too soon. This is not a force play.

d. When three offensive players legally are put out, their team takes the field and the opposing team becomes the offensive team.

e. The objective of each team is to score more runs than its opponent.

October 17, 2019
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