March 20, 2020

MLB Umpire Manual


MLB Umpire Manual

Reference(s) Topic Page

1. 3.03…………………………Jackets………………………………………………………………….1

2. 3.04…………………………Catcher’s Mitt ……………………………………………………….1

3. 3.04,3.05,3.06 ……………..Procedures for Measuring Fielding Gloves ………………1

4. 3.05…………………………First Baseman’s Mitt……………………………………………..1

5. 4.03…………………………Lineup Cards ………………………………………………………..2

6. 5.01(b),5.06(c)(7),

5.06(c)(7) Comment……….Ball Going Into Player’s Uniform ……………………………2

7. 5.02…………………………First Baseman Playing in Foul Territory…………………2

8. 5.04(b)(5),6.03(a)(1)……….Batter’s Position in Batter’s Box……………………………..3

9. 5.05(a) ……………………..Fly Ball Striking Top of Outfield Wall……………………..3

10. 5.05(a)(2) Comment,

5.09(b)(2) Comment …….Abandoning Base Path (Including After

Third Strike Not Caught) ……………………………………4

11. 5.05(b)(3),5.06(b)(3)(D),

6.01(g) ……………………Catcher’s Interference ……………………………………………4

12. 5.06(a)(1)…………………..Runner Pushed off Base…………………………………………5

13. 5.06(a)(1)…………………..Overrunning a Base Without Touching It………………..5

14. 5.06(a)(2)…………………..Two Runners in Contact with Base…………………………5

15. 5.06(b)(1)…………………..Runner Passing a Base ………………………………………….6

16. 5.06(b)(4)(B), ………………Detached Equipment Touching Pitched

5.06(b)(4)(C)…………….. or Batted Ball …………………………………………………….6

17. 5.06(b)(4)(F) ……………….Lodged Ball …………………………………………………………..6

18. 5.06(b)(4)(G),5.09(c) ………Play or Attempted Play ………………………………………….7

19. 5.06(b)(4)(G)……………….Awarding Bases on Wild Throws…………………………….8

20. 5.06(b)(4)(H)……………….Balls Deflected out of Play……………………………………..8

21. 5.06(c)(6),6.01(a)(11) ……..Batted Ball Striking the Runner …………………………..10

22. 5.07(a) ……………………..Time of Pitch……………………………………………………….13

23. 5.07(a)(1)…………………..Windup Position…………………………………………………..13

24. 5.07(a)(1),5.07(a)(2)……….Set Vs. Windup Position ……………………………………….15







25. 5.07(b) ……………………..Restrictions on Pitchers Warming Up……………………15

26. 5.08(b) ……………………..Comment Regarding Game-Ending Plays ……………..16

27. 5.09(a)(1) Comment ………Fielder Going Into Out-of-Play Area ……………………..16

28. 5.09(a)(4)…………………..Bunt/Foul Ball……………………………………………………..17

29. 5.09(a)(8)…………………..Thrown Ball Strikes Helmet or Bat ………………………17

30. 5.09(a)(12) …………………Infielder Intentionally Drops Fly Ball or

Line Drive …………………………………………………………17

31. 5.09(b)(1)…………………..Out of the Basepath …………………………………………….18

32. 5.01(b)(1),5.09(b)(2),

5.09(b)(1)&(2) Comment,

5.09(b)(6)……………………Abandonment On a Force Play ……………………………..18

33. 5.09(b)(4)…………………..Batter-Runner Passing First Base ………………………..18

34. 5.09(b)(5),5.09(b)(12),

5.09(c)(2)…………………Runner Misses Home Plate…………………………………..18

35. 5.09(b)(7) ………………………..Runner Touched by Infield Fly ……………………………..19

36. 5.09(b)(9)…………………..Runners Passing ………………………………………………….19

37. 5.09(c) ……………………..Appeal Plays—Approved Rulings………………………….19

38. 5.09(c)(2) …………………..Retouching Bases While Ball Is Dead……………………24

39. 5.10…………………………Substitutions……………………………………………………….26

40. 5.10(b) Comment………….Multiple Substitutions and Double-Switches …………27

41. 5.10(b),5.10(b) Comment …..Signal to the Bullpen……………………………………………27

42. 5.10(d) Comment,5.10(g) …..Pitcher Changing Defensive Positions …………………..28

43. 5.10(k) ……………………..On-Deck Circle…………………………………………………….28

44. 5.10(l)………………………Trips to the Mound ………………………………………………28

45. 5.10(l)………………………Trips to the Mound—Approved Rulings ………………..31

46. 5.11…………………………Designated Hitter ………………………………………………..33

47. 5.11,5.10(b)……………………..Pitcher Moving To a Defensive Position…………………33

48. 5.12(b)(2)…………………..Temporary Failure of Lights …………………………………33

49. 6.01,Definitions …………..Offensive Interference ………………………………………….34

50. 6.01(a) ……………………..Interference with Intervening Play……………………….34

51. 6.01(a)(1)…………………..Batter Interferes After Third Strike Not Caught……34




# Rule Reference(s) Topic Page


52. 6.01(a)(2)…………………..Intentionally Deflecting Course of Ball………………….35

53. 6.01(a)(5-7),5.09(a)(13),

5.09(b)(3),6.01(j) …………Willful and Deliberate Interference ………………………35

54. 6.01(a)(10) …………………Fielder Protected While Making a Play …………………37

55. 6.01(e),6.01(e) Comment…..Spectator Interference………………………………………….37

56. 6.01(h) ……………………..Obstruction Mechanic…………………………………………..38

57. 6.01(h)(1)…………………..Batter-Runner Obstructed Before Reaching

First Base…………………………………………………………40

58. 6.01(h)(1),6.01(h)(2),

6.01,5.02(c)……………….Obstruction and Interference Plays—

Approved Rulings……………………………………………..41

59. 6.02(a) ……………………..Calling “Time” After a Balk ………………………………….44

60. 6.02(a) ……………………..Balk Regulations …………………………………………………46

61. 6.02(a) ……………………..Penalty for a Balk………………………………………………..48

62. 6.02(a)(3)…………………..Stepping to a Base ……………………………………………….48

63. 6.02(a)(4)…………………..Throwing to an Unoccupied Base ………………………….48

64. 6.02(c)(1) …………………..Pitcher Going to His Mouth ………………………………….49

65. 6.02(c)(9) …………………..Warnings After Immediate Ejection of Pitcher……….49

66. 6.03(a)(3),6.01(a)(1)……….Batter Interferes with Catcher ……………………………..50

67. 6.03(a)(3),6.03(a)(4),…………Backswing (Follow-Through)

6.03(a)(3) and (4) Comments Hits Catcher…………………………………………………….50

68. 6.03(a)(3)…………………..Batter Interferes with Catcher’s Throw

Back to Pitcher…………………………………………………50

69. 6.03(a)(4)…………………..Inspection of an Illegal Bat…………………………………..51

70. 6.03(c)(7) …………………..Reference Cards …………………………………………………..52

71. 6.04(d) ……………………..Ejections and Suspensions ……………………………………52

72. 7.02(a) ……………………..Weather Taking Precedence………………………………….52

73. 7.02(c) ……………………..Lineup Cards from Suspended Games…………………..53

74. 7.02(c) ……………………..Lineups and Suspended Games…………………………….54

75. 7.03,8.03(a)(6) …………….Forfeited Games…………………………………………………..54

76. 8.02(c) ……………………..Check-Swing Appeals …………………………………………..54




# Rule Reference(s) Topic Page


77. 8.02(c) Comment ………….“Voluntary Strike” ……………………………………………….55

78. Definitions…………………Ball Strikes Bird or Animal ………………………………….55

79. Definitions…………………Base on Balls……………………………………………………….56

80. Definitions…………………Fair Ball ……………………………………………………………..56

81. Definitions…………………Foul Tips……………………………………………………………..56

82. Definitions…………………Infielder Interferes with Course of Ball…………………56

83. Definitions…………………Legal Catch …………………………………………………………56

84. Definitions…………………Tag ……………………………………………………………………..57

85. Definitions…………………Touch ………………………………………………………………….57

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