NCAA 10-22 Earned Run
Earned Run
SECTION 22. a. An earned run shall be charged against a pitcher when a runner scores because of a safe hit, sacrifice hit, sacrifice fly, stolen base, putout, fielder’s choice, base on balls, hit batter, balk or wild pitch (even when the wild pitch is a third strike), provided that in each case it is before the defensive team has had an opportunity to make a third putout.
Note: In determining earned runs, the scorer shall reconstruct the inning as if there were no errors or passed balls. Give the pitcher the benefit of the doubt in determining the advancement of runners, had the defensive team been errorless.
b. No earned run shall be charged to a relief pitcher if the runner was on base when the relief pitcher entered the game. Likewise, if a batter has more balls than strikes, unless the count is one ball, no strikes, when a relief pitcher enters the game and the batter receives a base on balls, charge that action to the preceding pitcher. Any other action of the batter shall be charged to the relief pitcher.
c. No run shall be earned when scored by a runner whose time as a runner is prolonged by an error, if such runner would have been put out by errorless play.
d. An error by a pitcher is treated exactly the same as an error by any other fielder in computing earned runs.
e. When pitchers are changed during an inning, the relief pitcher shall not be charged with any run (earned or unearned) scored by a runner who reaches base on a fielder’s choice that puts out a runner left on base by a preceding pitcher.
Note: The intent of this rule is to charge each pitcher with the number of runners he put on base, rather than with the individual runners.
f. When pitchers are changed during an inning, a relief pitcher shall not have the benefit of errors made earlier in the inning. Thus, he will be charged with earned runs for which he is totally responsible. Note: It is the intent of Rule 10-22-f to charge a relief pitcher with earned runs for which such relief pitcher is solely responsible. In some instances, runs charged as earned against the relief pitcher can be charged as unearned against the team.