Rule 6.00 – World Series
6.01 World Series play shall be under the jurisdiction of the USSSA Baseball National Committee. The Association’s Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations shall appoint a duly qualified person to serve as Tournament Director.
6.02 The Tournament Director shall have the authority to amend these National By-laws & Rules to accommodate the needs of the World Series with the approval of the Association’s Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations.
6.03 All teams receiving berths to World Series shall participate in their (home) state’s State Championship provided such a State Championship is played. Failure to participate in the State Championship if played shall result in forfeiture of the World Series berth. Other requirements can be set forth by the state director and must be followed. It is the manager’s responsibility to verify all requirements to play in a World Series with their respective State Director.
6.04 State Directors shall approve all entries entering World Series. If the State Director position is vacant, the Association’s Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations or his designee shall give such approval. All World Series must be entered and paid for online at
6.05 A deadline for accepting entries in World Series shall be set by the USSSA Baseball National Committee.
6.06 A team shall participate in the highest classification World Series in which it wins (is awarded) a berth unless the team is re-classified by the State Director or USSSA Baseball National Committee.
6.07 A team may participate in a higher age division World Series but shall participate at or above the team’s current classification.
Rule 6.08 Example: A 10U AAA team can participate up in the 11U AAA or 11U Major World Series but cannot participate down in the 11U AA World Series.
6.08 No write in players, all players must be on the team’s roster prior to check in.
6.09 Only USSSA licensed baseballs shall be used in World Series play.
6.10 Any team in a World Series that forfeits a pool-play game shall not be eligible for championship play regardless of record.
6.11 USSSA prohibits the visual display of any non-USSSA association’s logo anywhere on the uniform.