Catcher Calling a Pickoff Play
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with Cincinnati Reds infield coach, Randy Whisler. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Randy about a pickoff play involving the catcher.
The Timing Play to Pickoff a Runner
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with Cincinnati Reds coaches Randy Whisler and Ed Napoleon. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh has them demonstrate the timing play to pickoff a runner.
The Daylight Pickoff Play
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with Cincinnati Reds coaches Randy Whisler and Ed Napoleon. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh has them demonstrate the “daylight pickoff play.”
Pitching Strategy with a Runner on Base
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with former Cincinnati Reds pitcher and broadcaster Chris Welsh. He talks about how a pitcher can snoop out the opposing managers intentions (bunt, steal, hit and run, etc.) with a runner on base.
How to Shut Down a Running Game
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with Cincinnati Reds pitcher, Phil Norton. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Phil what he does to try to shut down a running game while he is on the mound.
How a Pitcher can shut down a Running Game
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2003 with Cincinnati Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh. He talks about how a pitcher can effectively shut down a running game.