July 2023 Rules Question and Answer #2
Play No. 1 QUESTION: Look at this video from a minor league game and tell me why the outfielder did not get credit for a catch after he carried the ball several feet. Instead, the batter was credited with a home run? Click on the link below. ANSWER: This outfielder wasn’t credited with a catch…
Outfielder Charging the Baseball
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2003 with Cincinnati Reds coach, Jose Cardenal. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Jose about the proper technique for an outfielder charging a ball hit on the ground.
Properly Securing a Catch
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2003 with Cincinnati Reds coach, Jose Cardenal. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Jose how an outfielder properly secures a catch to be in a proper throwing position to potentially throw out a runner.