Expert Analysis
Pitcher Postgame Recovery
Topics: Baseball Instruction
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2003 with Cincinnati Reds head trainer, Mark Mann. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Mark about how the recovery process for a starting pitcher after the game.
Expert Analysis
MLB Trainers Role on Preparing the Starting Pitcher
Topics: Baseball Instruction
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2003 with Cincinnati Reds head trainer, Mark Mann. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Mark what the trainers role is in preparing the starting pitcher for the game.
Expert Analysis
Philosophy for Pitchers Throwing on the Side
Topics: Baseball Instruction
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2003 with Cincinnati Reds pitching coach, Don Gullett. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Don about his philosophy for pitchers throwing side sessions on off-days.