Expert Analysis
Batting Out of Turn
Topics: Expert Analysis
I recently received this question from a coach. What should we do if we notice that an opposing player has batted out of turn? That’s a good question and one that is difficult to understand even among the best baseball minds. Let’s explore the Batting Out of Turn Rule 6.03 (b) and apply it for…
Expert Analysis
Lineup Snafu, Mets Bat Out of Order
Topics: Batting Out of Order, Expert Analysis, Latest News, Manager, Umpire
Confusion reigned in the first inning yesterday, May 9, 2018, at Great American Ball Park, where the Mets batted out of order in their game against the Reds. Before we look at what happened, a fundamental point of the rule is, when a batter bats out of order and it’s appealed, the batter who failed to bat…