fielder’s choice or hit?

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    Mark Astolfi
    In Friday’s Red Sox-Indians game, Verdugo was on second and went to third on what was described as Dalbec’s fielder’s choice “in which both players reached base safely.” To me, no out means the batter is credited with a hit, assuming there was no error. No different than if Dalbec had beaten a clean throw to first. In other words, if you put the ball in play, and with clean fielding the defense fails to get anybody out, that’s a hit. Maybe the account I read got it wrong. But in the back of my mind that does sound like the rule, and as rare as it is, it sounds unfair to me.
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  • Replies
      Mark Astolfi
      OK, I found it, it is the rule. And actually, if the official scorer thinks the try at the other runner was because there was no play on the batter, and there is no out made, it is a hit.  I remember now first encountering this rule and thinking it made no sense. Haven’t changed my opinion. Does this happen very often? My impression is that it doesn’t, that failure to get an out on a fielder’s choice is usually an error.
      Arnold Riley
      a circumstance in baseball in which a hitter is able to reach base safely because the fielder is attempting to throw out another base runner on the play
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