7.02 Suspended, Postponed, and Tie Games

7.02 Suspended, Postponed, and Tie Games

(a) A game shall become a suspended game that must be completed at a future date if the game is terminated for any of the following reasons:

(1) A curfew imposed by law;

(2) A time limit permissible under league rules; (3) Light failure, malfunction of, or unintentional operator error in employing, a mechanical or field device or equipment under the control of the home Club (e.g., a retractable roof, a tarpaulin, or other water removal equipment);

(4) Darkness, when a law prevents the lights from being turned on;

(5) Weather, if a regulation game is called while an inning is in progress and before the inning is completed, and the visiting team has scored one or more runs to take the lead, and the home team has not retaken the lead; or

(6) It is a regulation game that is called with the score tied; National Association Leagues may also adopt the following rules for suspended games. (If adopted by a National Association League, Rule 7.01(e) would not apply to their games.);

(7) The game has not become a regulation game (40 innings with the home team ahead, or 5 innings with the visiting Club ahead or tied);

(8) If a game is suspended before it becomes a regulation game, and is continued prior to another regularly scheduled game, the regularly scheduled game shall be seven innings in length. See the exception described in Rule 7.01(a);

(9) If a game is suspended after it is a regulation game, and is continued prior to another regularly scheduled game, the regularly scheduled game shall be a nine-inning game.

EXCEPTION: Optional Rules 7.02(a)(7), 7.02(a)(8), and 7.02(a)(9) for National Association Leagues shall not apply to the last scheduled game between the two teams during the championship season. A National Association League may adopt any of Rules 7.02(a)(7), 7.02(a)(8), and 7.02(a)(9) for its post-season games.

No game called because of a curfew (Rule 7.02(a)(1), weather (Rule 7.02(a)(5), a time limit (Rule 7.02(a)(2), or with a tied score (Rule 7.02(a)(6) shall be a suspended game unless it has progressed far enough to have been a regulation game pursuant to Rule 7.01(c). A game called pursuant to Rules 7.02(a)(3) or 7.02(a)(4) shall be a suspended game at any time after it starts.

NOTE: Weather and similar conditions—Rules 7.02(a)(1) through 7.02(a)(5)—shall take precedence in determining whether a called game shall be a suspended game. If a game is halted by weather, and subsequent light failure or an intervening curfew or time limit prevents its resumption, the game shall not be a suspended game. If a game is halted by light failure, and weather or field conditions prevent its resumption, the game shall not be a suspended game. A game can only be considered a suspended game if stopped for any of the six reasons specified in Rule 7.02(a).

Rule 7.02(a) Comment:

The Major Leagues have determined that Rule 7.02(a) does not apply to any Wild Card, Division Series, League Championship Series or World Series games or for any additional Major League championship season game played to break a tie.

(b) A suspended game shall be resumed and completed as follows:

(1) Immediately preceding the next scheduled single game between the two Clubs on the same grounds; or

(2) Immediately preceding the next scheduled doubleheader between the two Clubs on the same grounds, if no single game remains on the schedule; or

(3) If suspended on the last scheduled date between the two Clubs in that city, transferred and played on the grounds of the opposing Club, if possible;

(A) Immediately preceding the next scheduled single game, or

(B) Immediately preceding the next scheduled doubleheader, if no single game remains on the schedule.

(4) Any suspended game that has progressed far enough to become a regulation game, but which has not been completed prior to the last scheduled game between the two teams during the championship season shall become a called game, as follows:

(A) If one team is ahead, the team that is ahead shall be declared the winner (unless the game is called while an inning is in progress and before the inning is completed, and the visiting team has scored one or more runs to take the lead, and the home team has not retaken the lead, in which case the score upon the completion of the last full inning shall stand for purposes of this Rule 7.02(b)(4); or

(B) If the score is tied, the game shall be declared a “tie game” (unless the game is called while an inning is in progress and before the inning is completed, and the visiting team has scored one or more runs to tie the game, and the home team has not retied the game, in which case the score upon the completion of the last full inning shall stand for purposes of this Rule 7.02(b)(4).

(5) Any postponed game, suspended game (that has not progressed far enough to become a regulation game), or tie game that has not been rescheduled and completed prior to the last scheduled game between the two teams during the championship season must be played (or continued, in the case of a suspended or tie game) to a completed regulation game, if the League President determines that not playing such game might affect eligibility for the post-season and/or home-field advantage for any Wild Card or Division Series game.

Rule 7.02(b) Comment: The Major Leagues have determined that Rule 7.02(b) does not apply to any Wild Card, Division Series, League Championship Series or World Series games or for any additional Major League championship season game played to break a tie. The National Association has determined that games shall not be rescheduled and played to a completed regulation game in accordance with Rule 7.02(b)(5) for the purpose of determining eligibility or home-field advantage for the post-season. If a suspended game is to resume and no single game remains on the schedule, the National Association has determined that only a single game will be played after completing the suspended game.

(c) A suspended game shall be resumed at the exact point of suspension of the original game. The completion of a suspended game is a continuation of the original game. The lineup and batting order of both teams shall be exactly the same as the lineup and batting order at the moment of suspension, subject to the rules governing substitution. Any player may be replaced by a player who had not been in the game prior to the suspension. No player removed before the suspension may be returned to the lineup.

A player who was not with the Club when the game was suspended may be used as a substitute, even if he has taken the place of a player no longer with the Club who would not have been eligible because he had been removed from the lineup before the game was suspended.

Rule 7.02(c) Comment:

If immediately prior to the call of a suspended game, a substitute pitcher has been announced but has not retired the side or pitched until the batter becomes a base runner, such pitcher, when the suspended game is later resumed may, but is not required to start the resumed portion of the game. However, if he does not start he will be considered as having been substituted for and may not be used in that game.

March 15, 2020
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