Rule 7.02(a):

The Note to Official Baseball Rule 7.02 states that weather and similar conditions shall take precedence in determining whether a called game shall be a suspended game. If a game is halted by weather, and subsequent light failure or an intervening curfew or time limit prevents its resumption, it shall not be a suspended game. If a game is halted by light failure, and weather or field conditions prevent its resumption, it shall not be a suspended game. See Note to Official Baseball Rule 7.02(a).
If play is stopped because of weather and during the delay (before the tarps have been removed), light failure occurs and causes the game to be terminated, the game will be considered as having been terminated because of weather and shall not be a suspended game.
If play is stopped because of weather and during the delay (before the tarps have been removed) a curfew or time limit prevents its resumption, the game will be considered as having been terminated because of weather and shall not be a suspended game.
However, in games that have been delayed because of weather, once the umpires direct the grounds crew to remove the tarps and prepare the field for play, the weather factor is then removed. In such cases, if light failure then occurs or if a curfew or time limit is subsequently reached, the game will be considered a suspended game.
If play is stopped because of light failure and rain subsequently occurs before play can be resumed, the umpires shall then determine the ultimate reason for terminating the game.
(1) Game stopped because of light failure; rain occurs during light failure; lights come back on during or after rain; field determined to be unplayable.
Ruling: Game called due to weather. Not a suspended game.

(2) Game stopped because of light failure; rain occurs during light failure; field determined to be unplayable but still no lights.
Ruling: Game called due to weather. Not a suspended game.
(3) Game stopped because of light failure; a light rain occurs during light failure; rain stops and field determined to be playable but still no lights.
Ruling: Game called because of light failure. This is a suspended game.

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