NCAA 1-5 New Fields
New Fields
SECTION 5. All new fields should be oriented with consideration to the following factors: protection of players (hitter, catcher, pitcher and others in that order); comfort of spectators; season of use (March-June); latitude (north to south); east-west geographical location within time zone; prevailing winds; daylight saving time; background; and obstacles or barriers. When constructing a baseball diamond, first designate a point for the rear tip of home plate, Secondly, with the aid of the above guidelines, locate the desired direction of second base. Using a steel tape or strong cord, measure 127 feet, 33/8 inches in this direction. This is the center of second base. With the tape still in this position, locate the pitcher’s plate 60 feet, 6 inches from home plate toward second base. With the tape still fastened to the rear point of home plate, measure 90 feet toward first base and scribe a short arc. Also measure 90 feet toward third base and scribe a short arc. Now fasten the tape at the center of second base and measure 90 feet toward first and third base, respectively. Scribe a short arc each time. First and third bases are located where the respective arcs intersect.
a. It is recommended that a warning track be constructed in front of the outfield fence, backstop and dugout areas. The warning track should be a minimum of 15 feet in width.
b. It is recommended that the distance from home plate to the backstop be 60 feet and the distance from the base line to the sideline boundary be 60 feet and extended to a point down the line as deep as the skinned portion of the infield. At this point, the sideline fences are to be extended at an angle to a minimum point of 30 feet outside each foul pole. These distances would be used on each side of the field.
c. It is recommended that bullpens be set up outside the playing area and located so that relief pitchers will be throwing in the same direction as when they throw from the mound on the playing field and that each bullpen have a minimum of two mounds constructed to the exact measurements of the mound on the playing field. Each bullpen must be large enough to allow two pitchers to warm up at the same time and must be equipped with the regulation-size home plates and pitcher’s rubbers.
d. All new fields should meet the specifications set forth in 1-2-a and 1-2-b.
e. The “on-deck” circle, where distance is restricted, should be located a minimum of 30 feet from home plate, in line with the front edge of the dugout. The recommended distance is 37 feet. The on-deck position shall not