NCAA 3-6 Umpires
SECTION 6. Game officials are the umpire-in-chief (plate umpire) and one, two, three or five field umpires.
a. Any umpire has the authority to order a player, coach or team attendant to do or refrain from doing anything that affects the administering of these rules and to enforce prescribed penalties.
Note: Umpires should arrive at the game site at least 60 minutes before game time and notify the home team. Umpires, and the home team coach, should have a current NCAA rules book available at the game site.
b. Each umpire is an approved official of the institution, league or conference and is authorized and required to enforce each SECTION of these rules. Further, the individual is obliged to conduct the game under conditions conducive to the highest standards of good sportsmanship. Each umpire has the authority to rule on any point not specifically covered in these rules.
c. The institution, league or conference shall recommend that umpires be dressed uniformly. Any logos or insignias not related to collegiate baseball (e.g., professional baseball) are not permissible on any part of the umpire’s uniform.
PENALTY for c.—Umpires in violation of this rule shall be reported to and punished by the proper disciplinary authority.
d. Any umpire shall eject any player, coach, manager or trainer for violations of the Coaches’ and Players’ Code of Ethics (see page 8). Conferences and institutions may choose to implement additional penalties (see Appendix D).
Note 1: The umpire first may warn any violator or team before ejecting the individual(s) from the game.
Note 2: If any person is ejected from the game, the individual shall leave the field immediately. The person must be removed from sight and sound of the contest. Sight and sound shall mean that the ejected person(s) cannot view the contest, cannot communicate with his team nor be where the umpires may hear him. It may still be possible for the ejected person(s) to be able to hear the sounds of the game; however, he must have left the confines of the playing field and the grandstands.
Note 3: The ejected individual is not allowed to return to the dugout, field or grandstands until the umpiring crew has been escorted to its dressing area by security or game management.
PENALTY for Note 2 and Note 3—A three-game suspension, in addition to the ejection or post-game ejection will apply to any individual in violation of this rule.
Note 4: Any umpire may eject and suspend any player, coach, manager or athletic trainer if the violation warrants a suspension (see 2-26, 5-15 and 5-16 for suspension penalties).
PENALTY for Note 4—The offending person is suspended for one game. If game management or security personnel cannot restore order and the game resumed in a reasonable amount of the time, the game will be suspended until order is restored (see 2-26, 5-15 and 5-16 for suspension penalties).
Note 5: If a person is ejected in the first game of a doubleheader and the ejection carries a suspension, the person shall serve the suspension in the second game.
e. If there is a reasonable doubt about some decision being in conflict with the rules, the head coach has the right to appeal an umpire’s decision and seek its reversal. Coaches are not entitled to a second opinion simply because they dispute a call (see Appendix E, item d).
Note: After a request for an umpire conference has been granted, coaches are not allowed to continue to argue a call once the final decision has been made. If a call is reversed, coaches are entitled to an explanation.
f. When asked by a coach or player, the plate umpire must seek a decision from the appropriate base umpire regarding the “half swing.” Such appeal may only be made when the plate umpire has called the pitch a ball.
Note 1: Balls, strikes, half swings or decisions about hit-by-pitch situations are not to be argued. After a warning, any player or coach who continues to argue balls, strikes, half swings or a hit-by-pitch situation shall be ejected from the game. Umpires shall record the warning.
Note 2: If a coach leaves the dugout or his position to argue a ball or strike call (including a half swing or hit-by-pitch), the coach may be ejected without warning.
g. No umpire shall criticize or interfere with another umpire’s decision, unless asked by the one making it; however, if there is a misinterpretation of a rule, it should be brought to the attention of the umpire-in-chief.
h. No umpire may be replaced in a game unless the individual becomes ill or injured.
i. When two or more umpires render different decisions on the same play, the umpire-in-chief shall consult with all the umpires away from all players and coaches. The umpire-in-chief shall determine which decision shall be accepted.
j. Players and coaches are prohibited from deliberately erasing the batter’s box or other lines. Umpires must stop the individual from erasing the lines.
Note: The umpire has authority to require the batter to stand in a proper batting position. He may require the grounds crew to reline the box. After a warning, individuals who repeatedly commit this infraction may be ejected.
k. Umpire jurisdiction in regard to personal confrontations and unsportsmanlike conduct directed toward them begins when the umpires enter the game site and ends when the umpires have left the game site.