NCAA 4-1 Umpire’s Duties
Umpire’s Duties
SECTION 1. Before the start of the game, the umpire-in-chief and/or umpire crew shall:
a. Check the condition of the field and inspect all playing lines and markers for proper location and adequate visibility.
PENALTY—If the field dimensions, equipment and facilities are illegal, the game is subject to forfeit if conditions are not corrected in a reasonable length of time.
b. Receive from the home team and rub up a minimum of one dozen baseballs that meet the specifications of 1-11. Additional balls will be furnished thereafter by a home-team representative.
c. Always have at least two alternate balls to put in play when needed. Such balls shall be put in play when:
1) A ball has been hit out of the playing field;
2) A ball has been rejected because it is discolored, scuffed or otherwise unsuitable for play; or
3) The pitcher requests a different ball. The game should not be delayed to retrieve a particular ball that may have been fouled away from the playing area.
Note: Use of Alternate Baseballs – The umpire should be the sole judge of whether the ball should be checked and should certainly do so if the ball has bounced off equipment or a fence/wall, if it appears ‘discolored, scuffed or otherwise unsuitable for play,’ or if the pitcher requests a different ball as stated. Umpires do not need to routinely check the ball each time a ground ball is hit to the infield or each pitch that is not cleanly caught by the catcher. Weather and field conditions should be a factor in deciding when to check the ball.