Cincinnati Reds

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Pitching Strategy with a Runner on Base

Topics: Baseball Instruction

This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with former Cincinnati Reds pitcher and broadcaster Chris Welsh. He talks about how a pitcher can snoop out the opposing managers intentions (bunt, steal, hit and run, etc.) with a runner on base.

Expert Analysis

Strengthening the Pitching Shoulder

Topics: Baseball Instruction

This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with former Cincinnati Reds pitcher and broadcaster Chris Welsh. He talks about how a pitcher can strength their shoulder to help avoid injuries.

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Common Mechanical Issues with Youth Pitchers

Topics: Baseball Instruction

This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with former Cincinnati Reds pitcher and broadcaster Chris Welsh. He talks about common mechanical issues that he sees with little league pitchers, and how he would address those.

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Catcher Throwing Around the Batter

Topics: Baseball Instruction

This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with Cincinnati Reds bullpen catcher, Mike Stefanski. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Mike how a catcher make a throw to third base when a runner tries to steal with a right handed batter at the plate.

Expert Analysis

How a Catcher Blocks a Wild Pitch

Topics: Baseball Instruction

This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with Cincinnati Reds bullpen catcher, Mike Stefanski. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Mike how a catcher should attempt to block the really wild pitches.

Expert Analysis

The Previous MLB Attempts to Shorten the Game

Topics: Baseball Instruction

This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with former Major League Baseball umpire, Marty Springstead. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Marty about the attempts at the time of trying to shorten the game.

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Teaching Youth Pitching

Topics: Baseball Instruction

This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with former Major League Baseball pitcher and a minor league baseball coach, Ted Power. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Ted how he teaches youth how to pitch.

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Juan Pierre on Bunting

Topics: Baseball Instruction

This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with Florida Marlins outfielder, Juan Pierre. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Juan to talk about his bunting techniques, and what makes him such a successful bunter.

Expert Analysis

Throwing a Ball to a Pitcher Covering First Base

Topics: Baseball Instruction

This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with former Cincinnati Reds second baseman, Ron Oester. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Ron to explain how a second baseman should attempt to throw a ball to a pitcher covering first base.

Expert Analysis

Tag Plays on Stole Base Attempts

Topics: Baseball Instruction

This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with former Cincinnati Reds second baseman, Ron Oester. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Ron to explain how a second baseman should properly flip a double play ball to the shortstop.

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