Expert Analysis
Great American Ball Park- Cincinnati Reds
Topics: Ground Rules
Expert Analysis
Ask the Rules Guy #4 – Ron Roth, Rich Marazzi – Runner Interference, Passed Ball vs Wild Pitch, Circle of Friendship and Batboy Interference
Topics: Video - Ask The Rules Guy
Expert Analysis
Deflected Balls that Remain in Play (Part 3)
Topics: Base Awards, Deflected Ball, Obstruction, Runner Interference, Runners, Uncategorized
Deflected Batted Ball Strikes the Runner Deflections make for knotty problems since they usually lead to right of way arguments. Whenever a batted ball is deflected off the pitcher or another infielder into the path of the runner, one of three things can happen: The ball can remain alive and in play The runner can…
Expert Analysis
The New MLB Intentional Walk Rule
Topics: Blog, Manager, Pitcher, Rules Changes
The new MLB intentional walk rule has had little effect on the overall length of major league games. It was not a particularly bold move, but it does represent a changing of the mindset of those decision makers to speed up the pace of play. The estimated time shaving is around 35 seconds per game….