Rule 6.01 a 6

Expert Analysis

Did Runner Intentionally Interfere to Avert a Double Play?

Topics: Uncategorized

In the top of the second inning in the Yankees-Angels game played on May 29, 2024 the Yankees had Anthony Rizzo on second and Jose Trevino on first and one out when DJ LeMahieu hit a ground ball to the left side of the infield that struck Rizzo. He was called out for runner interference…

Expert Analysis

Five Rule Questions from the 2023 MLB Season

Topics: Expert Analysis

Schowalter Ejected on No Interference QUESTION: In a recent Mets-Reds game, Mets manager Buck Showalter, who seldom gets ejected, was banished for arguing a play at second base. Can you explain what happened? ANSWER: The Reds hosted the Mets on May 9, 2023. In the bottom of the fifth inning the Mets had Wil Myers…

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