Expert Analysis
All About Obstruction…it Happened in the Major Leagues Again!
Topics: Base Awards, Batter Runner, Definitions, Obstruction, Placing Runners, Runners, Runners Lane
Obstruction Definition Obstruction is the act of a fielder who, while not in possession of the ball and not in the act of fielding the ball or a throw, impedes the progress of any runner. Contact does not have to be made for the umpire to rule obstruction. There are two types of obstruction Type…
Expert Analysis
Does this Runner Go Out of the Baseline to Avoid a Tag? You Make the Call!
Topics: Baseline, Runners, Video - Runner
This is a video post.
Expert Analysis
Does the Runner Go Out of the Baseline to Avoid a Tag? You Make the Call!
Topics: Baseline, Runners, Video - Runner
This is a video post.