Expert Analysis
Gripping the Bat
Topics: Baseball Instruction
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2003 with Cincinnati Reds hitting coach, Tom Robson. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Tom about his philosophy on gripping the baseball bat.
Expert Analysis
Selecting the Right Bat
Topics: Baseball Instruction
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2003 with Cincinnati Reds hitting coach, Tom Robson. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Tom about how to select the correct bat for a youngster.
Expert Analysis
Simple Batting Stance for Little Leaguer
Topics: Baseball Instruction
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2003 with Cincinnati Reds hitting coach, Tom Robson. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Tom what is the most simple batting stance is to teach a little leaguer and proper hand positioning at the plate.
Expert Analysis
What is a Legal Batting Stance? When is a Batter Out of the Box?
Topics: Uncategorized
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