Expert Analysis
Which Tags are LEGAL and ILLEGAL?
Topics: tag attempt
The video helps you understand which tags are legal and illegal in Major League Baseball. This video defines what is a legal tag, discusses how the fielder must have secure possession of the ball in their glove, runners disengaging from the base, a runners momentum carrying them beyond the base, the no-touch no-tag call and…
Expert Analysis
Tag Plays on Stole Base Attempts
Topics: Baseball Instruction
This classic baseball instruction video comes from back in 2004 with former Cincinnati Reds second baseman, Ron Oester. Reds broadcaster Chris Welsh asks Ron to explain how a second baseman should properly flip a double play ball to the shortstop.
Expert Analysis
The Difference Between a Tag (a Runner) and a Touch on a Force Play
Topics: force out, tag attempt
This is a video post.
Expert Analysis
Are the Laces Part of the Glove?
Topics: Video - Fielder, Video - Runner
This is a video post.