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Conduct and Responsibilities of Umpires

STANDARDS FOR REMOVAL FROM THE GAME MLB Umpires are entrusted with the authority to remove any participant from a game. This responsibility should never be taken lightly. Major League Baseball recognizes that every situation is unique and that umpire discretion is essential to proper rule enforcement. While there are unique and extraordinary circumstances, players and…


8.02 Appeal of Umpire Decisions

(a) Any umpire’s decision which involves judgment, such as, but not limited to, whether a batted ball is fair or foul, whether a pitch is a strike or a ball, or whether a runner is safe or out, is final. No player, manager, coach or substitute shall object to any such judgment decisions. Rule 8.02(a)…


9.06 Determining Value of Base Hits

The Official Scorer shall score a base hit as a one-base hit, two-base hit, three-base hit or home run when no error or putout results, as follows: (a) Subject to the provisions of Rule 9.06 (b) and 9.06 (c), it is a one-base hit if the batter stops at first base; it is a two-base…


4.02 Field Manager

(a) The club shall designate the manager to the League President or the umpire-in-chief not less than thirty minutes before the scheduled starting time of the game. (b) The manager may advise the umpire-in-chief that he has delegated specific duties prescribed by the rules to a player or coach, and any action of such designated representative shall be official. The…


Rule 4.00 – Qualifying Tournaments

4.01 State Directors shall have the authority to amend these National By-laws & Rules to accommodate the needs of the Qualifying Tournament with the approval of the Association’s Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations. 4.02 The State Director or directors appointed by the State Director shall conduct all Qualifying Tournaments to assure that the USSSA…


Rule 5.00 – State Championships

5.01 State Directors shall have the authority to amend these National By-laws & Rules to accommodate the needs of the State Championships with the approval of the Association’s Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations. 5.02 The State Director or directors appointed by the State Director shall conduct all State Championships to assure that the USSSA…

RulesLittle League

9.04 Umpire Positions

(a) The plate umpire shall stand behind the catcher. This umpire usually is designated as the Umpire-in-Chief. The plate umpire’s duties shall be to: (1) call and count balls and strikes; (2) call and declare fair balls and fouls except those commonly called by field umpires; (3) make all decision on the batter except those…


3.02 The Bat

(a) The bat shall be a smooth, round stick not more than 2.61 inches in diameter at the thickest part and not more than 42 inches in length. The bat shall be one piece of solid wood. NOTE: No laminated or experimental bats shall be used in a professional game (either championship season or exhibition games) until the manufacturer…


3.07 Pitcher’s Glove

(a) The pitcher’s glove may not, exclusive of piping, be white, gray, nor, in the judgment of an umpire, distracting in any manner. No fielder, regardless of position, may use a fielding glove that falls within a PANTONE® color set lighter than the current 14-series. (b) No pitcher shall attach to his glove any foreign material of a color different…


9.12 Errors

An error is a statistic charged against a fielder whose action has assisted the team on offense, as set forth in this Rule 9.12. (a) The Official Scorer shall charge an error against any fielder: (1) whose misplay (fumble, muff or wild throw) prolongs the time at bat of a batter, prolongs the presence on…

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