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RulesMLB Umpire Manual


Rules 5.06(b)(4)(B), 5.06(b)(4)(C): Any defensive player deliberately touching a batted ball over foul territory that, in the umpire’s judgment, has an opportunity to become a fair ball with detached equipment will entitle all runners—including the batter-runner—to advance three bases from the time the ball was touched without liability to be put out. The ball is…

RulesMLB Umpire Manual


Rule 6.03(a)(4): The following policies are in effect in regard to corked, improperly treated, and otherwise altered bats: First, Official Baseball Rules 3.02(a) through (d) and 6.03(a)(4) are in no way changed or affected by the policies set forth herein. These rules, which define the construction of the bat, the use of substances to improve…


Rule 10 – Section 3 – FIELD UMPIRE

10-3-1   A field umpire shall aid the umpire-in-chief in administering the rules. He shall make all decisions on the bases except those reserved for the umpire-in-chief. He shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the umpire-in-chief in calling time, balks, infield fly, defacement or discoloration of ball by the pitcher, illegal pitches, when a fly ball is caught,…


NCAA 3-1 Head Coach

Head Coach SECTION 1. A head coach is a person employed or appointed by an institution to be responsible for the team’s actions on the field (usually the head coach also is responsible for the team’s actions off the field) and to represent the team in communications with the umpire and the opposing team. A…


NCAA 3-7 Umpire-in-Chief

Umpire-in-Chief SECTION 7. The umpire-in-chief has sole authority to forfeit a game, and has jurisdiction over any rules matters not assigned to the field umpire in 3-8. The umpire-in-chief’s duties include those covered in 3-6 and also the following: a. Call or indicate “Play” to start the game, “Time” when the ball becomes dead and…


NCAA 3-8 Field Umpire

Field Umpire SECTION 8. A field or base umpire may take any position desired and shall aid the umpire-in-chief in administering the rules. a. The base umpire shall make all decisions on the bases except those reserved to the umpire-in-chief, and shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the umpirein-chief in calling time, balks, foul balls, defacement…

RulesMLB Umpire Manual


Rules 5.09(b)(5), 5.09(b)(12), 5.09(c)(2): Official Baseball Rule 5.09(b)(12) states that should a runner, in scoring, fail to touch home plate and continue on the way to the bench (making no effort to return), the runner may be put out by the fielder touching home plate and appealing to the umpire for a decision. However, this…


NCAA 5-7 Doubleheader

Doubleheader SECTION 7.     a. A doubleheader must include the same two teams and may be scheduled as two nine-inning games, a seven and a nine, or two seven-inning games. The first game of a doubleheader must be completed before the second game may start. b. The second game shall start 20 minutes after completion…


NCAA 5-12 Forfeited Game

Forfeited Game SECTION 12. A game shall be forfeited only as a last resort in favor of the team not at fault in the following cases: a. If a team fails to appear upon the field or, being upon the field, refuses to begin a game for which it is scheduled or assigned within five…


NCAA 5-16 Fight Rule

Fight Rule SECTION 16. The rules committee believes there is no place in college baseball for physical abuse of officials or fighting among opponents. A fight rule penalizes offending team representatives (e.g., players, coaches, athletic trainers, managers) for physical abuse or fighting. However, coaches must understand that they are responsible for the actions of their…

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