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9.13 Wild Pitches and Passed Balls

A wild pitch is defined in the Definition of Terms (Wild Pitch). A passed ball is a statistic charged against a catcher whose action has caused a runner or runners to advance, as set forth in this Rule 9.13. (a) The Official Scorer shall charge a pitcher with a wild pitch when a legally delivered…


NCAA 2-77 Suspension

Suspension SECTION 77. The prohibition of a player or coach from participating in a future contest(s). A game must be played to its completion before it counts toward a suspension. A game that is scheduled, but not played due to weather, power failure, etc., shall not be used to satisfy a suspension(s). If the penalty…

RulesMLB Umpire Manual


Rule 6.02(a): A balk shall be called audibly (“Balk!” or “That’s a balk!”) and by pointing laterally at the pitcher. However, the ball is not dead automatically when this call is made. The ball becomes dead only when the umpire calls “Time” following the call of balk, and the call of “Time” is to be…

RulesMLB Umpire Manual


Rules 5.05(a)(2) Comment, 5.09(b)(2) Comment: Under the Comment to Official Baseball Rule 5.05(a)(2), a batter who strikes out on a third strike not caught is treated differently than the plays relating to abandoning the base paths found in the Comments to Official Baseball Rule 5.09(b). Specifically, the following interpretations shall govern a batter who has…


Rule 4 – Section 4 – FORFEITED GAME

4-4-1   A game shall be forfeited to the offended team by the umpire when a team: is late in appearing or in beginning play after the umpire calls “Play.” State associations are authorized to specify the time frame and/or circumstance before a forfeit will be declared for a late arrival by one of the teams; or…

RulesMLB Umpire Manual


Rules 5.05(b)(3), 5.06(b)(3)(D), 6.01(g): Under Official Baseball Rule 5.05(b)(3), if catcher’s interference is called with a play in progress, the umpire will allow the play to continue because the manager may elect to take the play—unless the batter reaches first base and all other runners advance one base, in which event the play stands and…

RulesMLB Umpire Manual


Rules 5.06(b)(4)(B), 5.06(b)(4)(C): Any defensive player deliberately touching a batted ball over foul territory that, in the umpire’s judgment, has an opportunity to become a fair ball with detached equipment will entitle all runners—including the batter-runner—to advance three bases from the time the ball was touched without liability to be put out. The ball is…

RulesMLB Umpire Manual


Rule 6.03(a)(4): The following policies are in effect in regard to corked, improperly treated, and otherwise altered bats: First, Official Baseball Rules 3.02(a) through (d) and 6.03(a)(4) are in no way changed or affected by the policies set forth herein. These rules, which define the construction of the bat, the use of substances to improve…


Rule 10 – Section 3 – FIELD UMPIRE

10-3-1   A field umpire shall aid the umpire-in-chief in administering the rules. He shall make all decisions on the bases except those reserved for the umpire-in-chief. He shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the umpire-in-chief in calling time, balks, infield fly, defacement or discoloration of ball by the pitcher, illegal pitches, when a fly ball is caught,…


NCAA 3-1 Head Coach

Head Coach SECTION 1. A head coach is a person employed or appointed by an institution to be responsible for the team’s actions on the field (usually the head coach also is responsible for the team’s actions off the field) and to represent the team in communications with the umpire and the opposing team. A…

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