Expert Analysis
July 2023 Rules Question and Answer #2
Topics: Expert Analysis
Play No. 1 QUESTION: Look at this video from a minor league game and tell me why the outfielder did not get credit for a catch after he carried the ball several feet. Instead, the batter was credited with a home run? Click on the link below. ANSWER: This outfielder wasn’t credited with a catch…
Expert Analysis
Deflected Balls that Remain in Play (Part 3)
Topics: Base Awards, Deflected Ball, Obstruction, Runner Interference, Runners, Uncategorized
Deflected Batted Ball Strikes the Runner Deflections make for knotty problems since they usually lead to right of way arguments. Whenever a batted ball is deflected off the pitcher or another infielder into the path of the runner, one of three things can happen: The ball can remain alive and in play The runner can…