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Expert Analysis

2023 Batter, Catcher and Shift Regulations

Topics: Rules Changes

The Batter and Timing Regulations Question: What is defined as being alert to the pitcher with 8 seconds remaining on the clock? Answer: The batter must have both feet in the batter’s box, and facing the pitcher. He must have his eye on the pitcher and be in a position to quickly assess a hitting stance….

Expert Analysis

2022 MLB Examples of Obstruction

Topics: Obstruction

Beginning 2024, pro rules (OBR, MLB) will no longer allow a fielder who is not in possession of the ball to block a base (1B, 2B, 3B) or impede a runner. It will be enforced similar to the Home Plate Collision Rule.  New Rule Explained Here: https://baseballrulesacademy.com/obstruction-enforcement-at-all-bases-in-2024/   The Nats hosted the Phils on June…

Expert Analysis

Outfielder’s Throw is Deflected into Dead Ball Territory

Topics: Base Awards, Dead Ball Area, Deflected Ball, Placing Runners, Runners, Uncategorized

Whenever a thrown, pitched, or batted ball is deflected into dead ball territory, umpires must be able to make the proper base award and coaches should be able to determine if the base award was proper. This can impact the outcome of a game. Thrown Ball Deflected into Dead Ball Territory Take what occurred when…

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