runner misses base on home run

Expert Analysis

Touch ‘Em All

Topics: Expert Analysis, Placing Runners, Replay Review

Play No. 1 A base runner is required to touch every base in order and to retouch any missed base. There are various layers involved in the rules when either of those conditions arise. The Pirates and Cubs played at Wrigley on May 17th. In the bottom of the eighth, Cubs’ prospect Christopher Morel homered…

Expert Analysis

MLB Hitter Smacks HR But Misses 1B…Umps Didn’t See It But…

Topics: Appeal, Base, Batter Runner, Replay Review

Missing a base on a home run is a rarity on any level of baseball, especially in the major and minor leagues. According to data at, it appears the last home run in the major leagues to be lost due to a player failing to touch a base happened on June 17, 1983, when…

Expert Analysis

Rich Marazzi Mailbag June 2020

Topics: Balk, Batted Ball, Obstruction, Placing Runners, Runner Interference

Q. With the minimum three batter rule scheduled to go into effect this year, if the substitute pitcher comes in the game with one out and gets the next batter to hit into a double play, he does not have to pitch the following inning. But if the manager sends him out for the next…

Don't strike out!

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