Expert Analysis

Follow Through Interference Professional & NCAA Rules

Topics: Batter, Batter Interference, Catcher, Interference, NCAA, Official Baseball Rules
Expert Analysis


Topics: Latest News, NCAA, News, NFHS, Rules Controversy

  IF THE ASTROS CHEATING SCANDAL HAPPENED IN HIGH SCHOOL By Brady Hood and Rules Desk   As the fallout from the Houston Astro’s cheating scandal continues, one can wonder what effect, if any, will this have on amateur baseball at the high school level. This spring all over the country teams will take the…

Expert Analysis

College Batter Strikes Out on Hit By Pitch

Topics: Batter, Batter's Box, Hit By Pitch, NCAA, Video - Batter
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Expert Analysis

Follow Through Interference

Topics: Batter, Batter Interference, Blog, Interference, NCAA, NFHS

Pro rules have nary a reference to follow through interference. Instead, it is referred to as “back swing” interference. The golfing world knows the difference. Follow through vs. back swing The follow through is the continuing movement of the bat after the ball is struck or missed – the completion of the swinging motion. The…

Expert Analysis

Rule of the Week: Runner’s Lane

Topics: Batter, Blog, NCAA, NFHS, Runners

  Runner’s Lane The purpose of the three-foot wide lane (aka 45’ lane) along the last half of the distance between home and first base in foul territory is widely misunderstood. It only applies when the ball is being thrown to first base from the area of the plate (roughly from behind the runner), and…

Expert Analysis

Rule of the Week: Pitching Change

Topics: NCAA, NFHS, Official Baseball Rules, Pitcher

One of the standard rules in all baseball codes is the pitcher named in the starting batting order must pitch to the first batter or any substitute until that batter completes his “at bat” (reaches first base or is put out) (NFHS 3-1-1, NCAA 5-5b, OBR 5.10f). The rule is excepted if the pitcher is…

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