Special Update: Red Sox Protest Denied!
MLB has rejected the Red Sox protest of the July 15 game against the Yankees. ICYMI: Review of the play To briefly review the situation (in case you missed it, see yesterday’s post, “Red Sox-Yankees Rivalry Plays Out Again”): In the top of the 11th inning the Yankees had Matt Holliday at first base and…
Red Sox-Yankees Rivalry Plays Out Again
Baseball fans know the Red Sox and Yankees maintain one of the fiercest rivalries in sports. Indeed, things always seem to get sticky when the two teams meet each other. Saturday’s long game was no exception. Read Rich Marazzi’s report here to read more about the bizarre play: Holliday Interference? by Rich Marazzi Red Sox…
Seven Surefire Ways to Get Ejected
“What have I gotta do to get thrown out of here?” demands your favorite manager, exasperated and red faced, a vein throbbing in his forehead. He’s been arguing for almost two full minutes, and might not have taken a breath since he started. Neither umpire seems the least bit interested in doubling down on the bad call…
Strike Zone Misconceptions
How an umpire calls balls and strikes is the single most influential factor in any baseball game. If the umpire has a “hitter’s strike zone” the pitcher doesn’t get the marginal pitches and the game often is riddled with walks, more hitting and higher scores. If his zone is loose or big, the opposite occurs….
What You Don’t Know About the Hidden Ball Trick
One of baseball’s rarest plays, the hidden ball trick, is simultaneously gratifying and embarrassing. If you’re the fielder who pulls off this bit of defensive magic, it becomes one of the more satisfying moments of the season. If you’re the embarrassed runner, well, there is no hole deep enough to hide from the humiliation of…
Rule of the Week: Safe or Out?
Ouch! Runner Struck by Batted Ball While Standing on Base You can trip up some smart baseball people with this basic rule about baserunning. Most people believe that if a runner is standing on a base that belongs to him, he is safe from being put out. Not so. A base is not a safe…
The New MLB Intentional Walk Rule
The new MLB intentional walk rule has had little effect on the overall length of major league games. It was not a particularly bold move, but it does represent a changing of the mindset of those decision makers to speed up the pace of play. The estimated time shaving is around 35 seconds per game….