Expert Analysis
Teammate Interference
Topics: Interference, Replay Review, Runner Interference, Uncategorized
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Expert Analysis
Obstruction? Interference? Nothing? You Make the Call!
Topics: Obstruction, Runner Interference
Expert Analysis
How a Smart Baserunner Can Exploit the Basepath Rules
Topics: Baseline, Runner Interference, Runners, Uncategorized
In the game of baseball, as in all major sports, coaches instruct their players to take what the defense gives them. Conversely, it would be a good idea for defensive players to take what the offense gives them. Let’s look at the following play. The Cardinals and Pirates played two games on Sept. 18 at…
Expert Analysis
Reggie Jackson 1978 World Series Runner’s Interference
Topics: Famous Plays, Runner Interference
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Runner’s Interference when Runner Takes Throw Off his Head
Topics: Runner Interference
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Can a Batter Carry Bat Around the Bases?
Topics: Baseball Myths, Batter Runner, Runner Interference
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Expert Analysis
Ask the Rules Guy #4 – Ron Roth, Rich Marazzi – Runner Interference, Passed Ball vs Wild Pitch, Circle of Friendship and Batboy Interference
Topics: Video - Ask The Rules Guy
Expert Analysis
Interference? Obstruction? Infield Fly? You Be the Umpire
Topics: Infield Fly, Runner Interference
The Dodgers hosted the Marlins on Aug. 26, 2012. In the bottom of the seventh, the Dodgers had Adrian Gonzalez on second base and Andre Ethier on first with one out when Luis Cruz hit a soft fly between home and first. Marlins’ catcher Rob Brantly made an attempt to catch the ball but missed….
Expert Analysis
How To Legally Confuse the Defense
Topics: Official Baseball Rules, Rule of the Week, Runners, Video - Runner
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