Expert Analysis
What Do You Know? 9 Rules Questions from 2018
Topics: Base, Batter's Box, Catcher Interference, Dead Ball Area, Fair Territory, Foul Territory, Infield Fly, Pinch Hitter, Pitcher, Pitcher Pick-offs, Runner Interference, Uncategorized
1. There’s a runner on first, catcher’s interference is called and the batter safely makes it to first as a result of the play. If the runner on first (after safely reaching second base), makes an attempt for third base during the play and gets thrown out, does the offensive coach have the option to…
Expert Analysis
Red Sox Catcher Nabbed for Detached Equipment Rule Violation
Topics: Balk, Base Awards, Batter's Box, Catcher, Catcher Interference, Equipment, Latest News, Official Baseball Rules
You cannot assume your players know even the most basic rules. Take what happened at Fenway Park on May 1, 2018, when the Red Sox hosted the Royals. In the top of the 10th inning with the score tied 3-3, the Royals had runners on first and second and two outs when Sox catcher Christian…
Follow Through Interference
Pro rules have nary a reference to follow through interference. Instead, it is referred to as “back swing” interference. The golfing world knows the difference. Follow through vs. back swing The follow through is the continuing movement of the bat after the ball is struck or missed – the completion of the swinging motion. The…